Our study holiday in Malta.

di Camilla Baldi and Elisa Zepponi (3 A com)

On July 18th we arrived inMaltafor our new experience. Upon arriving at the airport we reachedBay street, where there was our hotel. There we met our “Leader” named Denise, who guided us till the end of our stay. We kids where all excited about the new adventure and we could not wait to start the program that we had been given! The following days we visited some parts of theislandofMalta, after or before completing our English lesson. The classes where composed of guys of different nationalities, the French and Russians. We where divided by levels, that is, according to the test performed on the second day after arrival. The teachers where very kind, friendly and very helpful in teaching the English language. In the evening, despite we were tired, we went to the disco, to make the rounds in Paceville or went to the small beach of the port. Boredom has ever made you feel, we even visited the two neighboring islands: Gozo and Comino.

All of us boys was very impressed by the beauty of the sea of these two islands! It was everything beautiful and exciting, and thanks to this holiday study our English has improved a lot! In short, an unforgettable experience, to be remade at all costs!!!

Ps: We feel obliged to thank our two teachers Anna Lisa Siddi and Susanna Marsiglia,the next holiday!




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