An Erasmus Plus CLIL and Language Pedagogic, Hospitality and Gastronomic Experience

Lucy Elisabeth Mary Norris.

Under the direction of Ms. Roberta Galassi, Mr. Paolo Diotallevi and their talented team of professional educators, The Istituto Alberghiero e Turistico “G. De Carolis” of Spoleto clearly continues to flourish. Their focus on innovation and international exchange has paid off; their focus on Best Practice, investment in time and expenditure of considerable energy shows in the teaching and learning communities created.

After numerous experiences of working with the school’s dedicated and expert teachers, trainers and mentors for almost a decade, in the U.K., on site and in Ireland, it is clear what makes the Institute different. The smiles, the warmth and the serious purpose and dedication of everyone you meet, all staff members in every department are as welcoming and thoughtful as one might expect from a place of learning dedicated to hospitality. The openness to learning, the enthusiasm and sense of humour that is critical to raising the next generation of international Spoletans.

Staying in the boarding school surrounded by happy hip hoppers, basketball players, enthusiastic food lovers and young learners I can personally attest to the well-being of the young scholars. Despite an initial reserve, as an ex-boarder myself, I shall miss the sound of ‘salve!’ and ‘good morning!’ I will miss the passion for learning and teaching demonstrated daily by English teachers, whose dedication to their students, and their flawless command of the English language is nothing short of superlative. The teachers of all subjects, with an eye towards CLIL and their tender care for their students, have impressed upon me the importance of taking the whole context of pedagogy into account. Walking around the school every day this week I have witnessed small wonders; the joy on the face of a student with complex needs, serving me a beautiful coffee. The look of love when she saw her teachers says everything necessary. Students here feel free to chat to their teachers after lessons, showing respect and appreciation. The enthusiasm of the reception students, the bar and hospitality students to share their creations… heart-warming. Belly filling and brain food, delicious dishes, served beautifully, details shared in the language we can all speak; food and love. That is all we need.

I’d like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to everyone I have had the pleasure of working and playing with this week in Spoleto, also in 2018, in Dublin this summer and in Portsmouth in 2016, 2017 and beyond. I look forward to staying connected to your pedagogical language journeys, CLIL, A.I., digital or physical, love of learning shines out in this jewel of an education you offer to all who wish to participate. Have a fantastic year, with many adventures. And always, curiosity and imagination, the only two things a learner needs.

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