by Elisa Pizzi.

This year our teachers have organised a language course in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

We stayed there for a week, and in the morning we had lessons.

We arrived there on Tuesday, and then we went to the English language centre in Edinburgh, which is situated in the very centre of the capital.
We stayed at school Wednesday morning and afternoon, and the same for the next day, but on Friday we had lessons only in the morning.

On the second day we played a fun game: we had to look for some monuments/parts of the city written on a list, and then we had to took a picture of them. We were divided in groups, and the most beautiful picture was chosen by us.

On the third day we visited the city with our teachers, we went to Calton Hill, which is a very important hill with a lot of monuments on it.

We took a picture of our group in front of the Dugald Stewart Monument, which is the most famous monument in Edinburgh.


Then we visited some places on the Royal Mile, but unfortunately the weather wasn’t very favourable.

On Saturday we visited the Glenkinchie distillery of whisky and it was so interesting, because it has a little museum in it, explaining how they used to produce whisky a long time ago.

On Sunday some of us visited the EdinburghCastle, located on the top of the  Royal Mile, the most historical Edinburgh’s street.


This huge and beautiful castle is a historic fortress which dominates the skyline of the city of Edinburgh.

The view of the city from there is amazing:

Edinburgh is a flawless city, which gave me a lot.

The music, the colours, the hospitality, the traditions of this country are so inspiring, so important and precious.

The history of this place is relevant, and I think that once in our lifetime, we should definitely go and visit Edinburgh.

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