Our School on a trip

Monday, April 12 2010: it was still dark when the alarm rang, I hadn’t finished to fix the last things, take the suitcase and get in the car. My friends were waiting for me at 5 a.m. in front of our boarding school. After a long journey we arrived in Vienna, our first step. The city impressed me very much for its particular presentation: those pointed roofs were really beautiful. Tuesday: in the morning we visited Vienna Sissi museum and the most important Cathedral of the city. We spent the afternoon visiting the shops. Wednesday: we woke up at half past seven to take the bus and go to Prague. We arrived at 3 p.m. at the hotel. After lunch we visited the city. Touring Prague, I realized that it is very different from Vienna. The evening was dedicated to the fun. Thursday: we visited Prague castle and St. Vitus Cathedral. Friday: Malastrana, we visited the old part of Prague. We took a tour of the shops, and between a purchase and the other went for a drink on the premises. Saturday: we left to go to Salsburg to visit the concentration camp at Mauthausen. In the afternoon we took a walk around the city and then returned at the hotel. Sunday: we woke up at half past seven, to return home, but unfortunately we left with something unexpected after 3 hours. After several stops we arrived at the starting point, from where this great trip had begun. I got off the bus reluctantly, driving home and remembering all those wonderful moments I spent with my friends. Although we were few I felt we were a complete class: we always moved together. I forgot to tell you that upon entering we found ourselves on the way to escape, unwittingly, from the “Polizei” in the Czech republic; they stopped us, checked documents and made us a fine of 15 euro because the bus had the lights off. I thought: when they see foreign people they try to get advantage on everything. After this trouble I remembered the laughter we all made in our room. All this memories made me smile: what an unforgettable trip!!

Giovanna Noviello, V Ristorazione, sezione A

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