Talking with Russian girls

by Giulio Malandruccolo, Michele Obino

 Tuesday the 17th, we (students from class 4^B cuisine) interviewed Russian students to ask them some questions on their experience here in Italy.

Maria, Vasilina, Alina and Xeniya, came to Spoleto from Moscow for studying, they room at the boarding school San Paolo and since they arrived they began to make friends with students of our school.

First of all we asked the girls how they felt here, and they answered “so-so”, not for classmates or for school’s fault but because Spoleto is too tiny compared to Moscow.

A positive thing though, is that they feel more free in Italy than in Russia , even because the study here is very “softer” than there ( they’ve got 2 state exams each year), and teachers are very friendly and wonderful even if only a few of them talks English.

Talking about classmates they think that boys are very friendly and nice, while most of the girls are too talkative.

About their arrival in Italy they said that that the first day they felt out of place having waken up in an unknown city, because during the trip they had slept until they had arrived in Spoleto. They visited it the day after.

The first week has been very chaotic for them, both for the difficulty of learning Italian and for the number of curious boys, ready to ask questions and taking photos to the newcomers. After a short time they began to appreciate our hospitality and now they consider us cute and charming.

Obviously they feel distant from home, but the Italian cuisine, the great number of sport activities that they practice, and the coffee heal this pain.

But Italy is not only Spoleto, in fact the four girls have visited Rome the first weekend of stay, and they want to visit  Perugia and Milan during the following months and go back as soon as possible to Rome (where they hoped to study before coming to Spoleto).

The interview has been written mixing a bunch of Italian sentences, Russian sentences with an appropriate English translation. Alternating some misunderstandings and a good dose of laughs, they made us spectators of their enthusiasm of studying in Italy, so we wish them a good stay in Umbria and a happy year of school, and lot of PIZZA!!!!

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