A school trip to Turin

Il Salone del Gusto di Torino 2008, raccontato “In English”, by Christian

During my experience at the “Salone del Gusto” in Turin, I could learn a lot of new things about foreign cultures, uses and habits, and new recipes, ways of cooking and preparations from other countries (European and Extra European too).

Furthermore all people there could make a lot of tastings, very interesting…I didn’t taste much, but my favorite was the combination between cigars and wine (great!!!). One of the focal points of this event was the “SLOW FOOD”, the rediscovery of the richness and flavours of local cuisine.

in my opinion this experience was very interesting as I could learn a lot about international and local italian cuisine and I hope to have the chance of doing something similar in the future.

Christian Meloni, 5 Ristorazione A

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