Giorni fantastici a Cambridge: le prove!

by Elisa Pizzi

On the 22rd of February, we went to Cambridge for a week, for a Cultural and Linguistic trip.Cambridge is a lovely city, not too far from the Capital of England (London) and it leads you into a peaceful and cultural environment. There are so many Universities and Colleges, so it’s a good place for young people too. Last but not least, they strictly respect nature and rules. Not like Italians. There is a right mixture of Nature and City, in fact, in Cambridge, you can find a lot of green parks near streets and buildings. A lot of famous people studied in Cambridge, for example: Newton and Darwin.

We were accommodated in different families, and it was the best way to learn more English, and what they usually do. The only thing missed was the Italian food, for the rest the family where i spent that week was friendly and really kind. In the morning we had lesson at the Kaplan International English school.

We had three lessons: the first one was one hour and forty-five long and then we had ten minutes break.

The second one, was one hour and half long, and after lunch we had the last lesson of the day, that lasted only one hour.

The teachers were really young, like 20-24 years old. They were Veronica and Maggie, and they were very kind and prepared. Kaplan is a good school, where you can learn a lot of new things, and have fun too. In the last day at school, we received a certificate which gave us some extra credits.

Each afternoon, after school, we had a lot of different activities. For example: On Tuesday we visited Cambridge with a guide, On Wednesday we visited the beautiful St. John’s College, On Thursday we went to the FitzWilliam Museum, and on Friday we did Punting on the river Cam. We passed though the city and we saw all colleges.

On Saturday we went to London, and after a little tour of the main landmarks, we had three hours and half for Shopping. In Cambridge we had a lot of fun, and we knew a lot of new people!

Personally, I learnt many things that i didn’t know, i adapted myself to English customs and traditions, and this trip will be in my heart forever. I think that these experiences let you grow up and you have to have them at least once in your lifetime.

I hope that I can repeat it next year, and i have to say thanks to my school, for giving me this opportunity. (Cambridge resoconto )


di Lorenzo Palmisano

Tutti noi ragazzi e i professori  siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti dal servizio che ci ha offerto la Kaplan International English che con il suo staff sono stati molto cortesi  e preparati per garantirci delle lezioni intense di lavoro.  Tutti i componenti della scuola erano molto educati e hanno badato sempre alle nostre esigenze. Ma oltre alla scuola, c’era anche la città da visitare, abbiamo fatto tante uscite di gruppo: il St. Jhon College dove hanno girato alcune scene di un famoso episodio della saga di “Harry Potter” e dove hanno studiato i principi William e Harry, siamo stati al Fitzwilliam Museum ad ammirare dei reperti egizi e medievali e per concludere come ultima giornata a Cambridge il Punting sul fiume Cam passando sotto tutti i ponti appartenenti ai College, tutta questa cultura senza dimenticare del sano shopping libero.

Come ultimo giorno, a scuola, ci hanno consegnato i nostri certificati facendoci una foto con la famosa tunica dei laureati inglesi. Finita la scuola, il sabato, siamo andati a fare una gita nella capitale: Londra. Qui abbiamo visitato i luoghi più popolari: Buckingam Palace e il cambio della guardia, il Big Ben, la London Eye, abbiamo ammirato dall’esterno il National Gallery Museum, e, successivamente shopping libero per le strade di Piccadilly Circus.

Tutte queste cosa sopra elencate non sarebbero state possibili grazie alla dedizione e alla capacità dei professori Spinelli e Crispoldi che sono stati molto attenti e pronti alle evenienze che ci sono state, molto pazienti e organizzati!

Una bellissima esperienza tutta da rifare!!

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