San Paolo Inter Vineas

San Paolo Inter Vineas takes its name from the Church entrusted to the apostle named Paolo.
In the tenth century, close to that church a monastery of Benedictine was founded. In 1002 it was a donation made by a bishop, the Lupo or Lupone , to Berta, an abbess ordained by the bishop. The donation consists of 30 modioli of land , with apple trees and other generic trees (cum pomisi et aboribus), in a place called St.Boroto.
In 1234 the monastery got the rule of the Poor Clares by Pope Gregory XIV, who came specially to consecrate the church. During the nineteenth century, because of the continous struggles between the city factions, the monastery exposed to any violence, was abandoned and the nuns, in 1396, moved to the monastery of St.Agate within the city walls.
The complex of San Paolo was entrusted to the “friars minor observant”, who remained until the first half of the nineteenth century. In 1817, the monastery housed temporarily a “Reclusorio of begging” originally reserved for men only ,while women occupied the premises of the church and monastery of S.Andrea .
Following the Pepoli decrees of 1860, the complex of San Paolo inter vineas was intended to shelter the seat of the provincial female begging and was dedicated to Margherita di Savoia. In 1960 it was turned into a retirement house for old men and women.

Bonifacio Ernesto, V Ristorazione A


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